Jonathan Leitschuh is a Security Software Engineer and Security Researcher, and is currently the first ever Dan Kaminsky Fellow. Jonathan is best known for the July 2019 Zoom Video Conferencing 0-Day Vulnerability. He also championed an industry-wide initiative to formally decommission the support of HTTP in favor of HTTPS only support by major artifact servers in the JVM ecosystem. He has a degree in Robotics and Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. His security research focuses on widespread-common security vulnerabilities impacting OSS. He enjoys finding security vulnerabilities in OSS in as well as contributing to the GitHub Security Lab Bug Bounty Program. He's a strong proponent for security researchers having and enforcing vulnerability disclosure policies. He has spoken at conferences ranging from BSides, to Black Hat and DEF CON!
In his free time, Jonathan sails his Hobie Getaway Catamaran in Boston Harbor.